CTLGFVER #$VER: term.catalog 25.0 (28.12.94) russian Add to name Write to file Left edge Centre Right edge Log actions Log file Log calls Call log file Maximum size Enabled File drawer Connect-auto-capture Creation date Filter enabled File drawer Open window Remember position Open screen Remember position Screen position Line width Select capture file drawer Select text buffer file drawer Select log file Select call log file Capture settings Direct Wait for echo Wait for any echo Wait for line prompt Character/line delay Keyboard delay Clipboard unit Character delay Line delay Paste prefix Paste suffix Line prompt Send timeout Text pacing Clipboard settings Startup command Logoff command Upload command Download command Commands settings ---- Terminal transcript ending ---- ---- Terminal transcript follows ---- ---- User terminal transcript follows ---- ---- Screen printout follows ---- ---- Screen printout ending ---- #Error writing to capture file "%s"! -Ignore error|Close & discard file|Close file Error writing to printer! Ignore error|Close printer Set time Serial Modem Screen Terminal Emulation Clipboard Capture Commands Miscellaneous Paths Transfer Translation tables Function keys Cursor keys Fast! macros Global configuration Defaults To all entries Select all Clear all Copy configuration Cursor up Cursor down Cursor right Cursor left Cursor key settings Load cursor keys !Could not load cursor keys "%s"! Save cursor keys !Could not save cursor keys "%s"! January February March April August September October November December Month Date settings Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Active days Day(s) settings Go to online Calling Comment Number Timeout Attempt Message Now calling: %s. Dialing... Sending modem exit command... Sending modem init command... Error sending modem command! %ld of %ld Dial attempt timeout. Redial delay... Waiting. Line is busy. No dialtone detected. Incoming voice call. Connection established. 'Maximum number of dial retries reached. Dialing list is empty! Connected to "%s" (%s). Connected to %s. Capture Aborting... (File capture started %s) Standard mode Application mode Normal scale Half width Smooth Cursor keys Numeric keypad Wrap cursor moves Wrap characters `CLS' resets cursor position Insert mode New-line mode Font scale Scrolling Destructive backspace Swap `Backspace' and `Del' keys Printer control enabled Answerback message Emulation parameters Macro list Macro Macro text Fast! macro settings Unnamed Load fast! macro settings )Could not load fast! macro settings "%s"! Save fast! macro settings )Could not save fast! macro settings "%s"! Fast! macros term screen to front Buffer screen to front Skip dial entry Stop ARexx command Commodity priority Hotkeys enabled Hotkey settings Load hotkeys Could not load hotkeys "%s"! Save hotkeys Could not save hotkeys "%s"! Replace rates Append rates Import rates Shift Alternate Control Key modifier Function key settings Load function keys "Could not load function keys "%s"! Save function keys "Could not save function keys "%s"! Ignore File type Source and time Program priority Backup configuration Show fast! macros %Release serial device when iconified Override transfer drawer Use auto upload panel Set `archived' bit Transfer file icons Transfer performance meter Create icons File comment Simple file I/O Miscellaneous settings Modem initialization command Modem exit command Hang up command `No carrier' message `No dialtone' message `Connect' message `Voice' message `Ring' message `Busy' message `Ok' message `Error' message Dial command prefix Dial command suffix Redial delay Dial retries Dial timeout Redial after hang up Connect auto-baud Drop DTR on hang up `NO CARRIER' = `BUSY' Connect limit Limit macro Time to connect Modem settings Project Load history... Save history as... Clear history Other window Show output Load history BThe packet history still holds %ld lines, do you wish to continue? %Discard history|Append history|Cancel 1There is nothing in the packet history right now. Save history Password User name User name and password "Select default ASCII upload drawer %Select default ASCII download drawer !Select default text upload drawer #Select default text download drawer #Select default binary upload drawer %Select default binary download drawer Select config storage drawer Select default text editor Select `term' help text file Default ASCII upload drawer Default ASCII download drawer Default text upload drawer Default text download drawer Default binary upload drawer Default binary download drawer Configuration storage drawer Default text editor `term' help text file Paths settings Serial... Modem... Screen... Terminal... Emulation... Clipboard... Capture... Commands... Misc... Paths... Transfer... Translations... Function keys... Cursor keys... Fast! macros... User/Password... Rates... Phone number(s) Comment Quick menu Print... Clear list Remove Load... Save... Clone Dial... Copy cfg... Password... Settings Phonebook KThis phonebook entry is still in use; to remove it, hang up the line first. MThis phonebook entry is still in use; to edit it, hang up the line first. aOne of the phonebook entries is still in use; to load a new phonebook, hang up the line first. Load phonebook Could not load phonebook "%s"! Save phonebook !Could not create phonebook "%s"! Please enter access password Please repeat access password &Passwords are not identical, aborting. Select translation table Select function keys Select cursor keys Select fast! macros %s/unit Sec./unit First unit Following unit(s) Days and dates Add... Remove Edit... Add day(s)... Add date... Import... Edit... Clone Rates settings Disabled Standard Compact 4 Colours (Amiga) 8 Colours (ANSI) 16 Colours (EGA) 2 Colours (Mono) Online time Online cost Time & cost Unknown Display modes Display mode Colour Palette _Green _Blue Use default colours Screen font Select new screen font Make screen public `Shanghai' windows Blinking Faster layout Screen title Use public screen Public screen name Status line Online display Screen settings -Error accessing "%s" unit %ld, error type: %s IDevice "%s" unit %ld is currently in use by "%s" and could not be opened No DSR signal detected! Retry|Cancel =No DSR signal present, RTS/CTS handshaking has been disabled )Failed to create serial driver write port Device "%s" is currently busy 1Device driver does not support desired baud rate 1Device driver could not allocate new read buffer &Device driver rejects current settings 1Device driver has detected hardware data-overrun 'Device driver has detected parity error *Device driver has detected a timeout error 1Device driver has detected a read buffer overflow -Device driver has failed to detect DSR signal 'Device "%s", unit %ld is currently busy )Failed to create serial driver read port #Not enough memory for serial buffer Failed to open "%s", unit %ld Seven Eight Space RTS/CTS RTS/CTS (DSR) Half (local echo) Baud rate Bits/char Parity Stop bits Handshaking Duplex Buffer size Break length ( Strip bit 8 High-speed mode Check carrier Shared access Handle xON/xOFF internally Pass xON/xOFF through Serial device Unit number Quantum Select device Serial settings Female Rate (words/minute) Pitch (Hz) Frequency (Hz) Volume Speech enabled Speak! Speech settings Load speech settings %Could not load speech settings "%s"! Save speech settings %Could not save speech settings "%s"! This is term speaking. Stop entire transfer Skip current file Data transferred Time to go Protocol Information Next file Space left Completion time File size Bytes xfered Total size Total bytes xfered Files xfered Blocks xfered Expected time Elapsed time Characters/second Character delay Packet delay Packet type Block check type Block size Number of errors Number of timeouts %ld of %ld (%ld%%) %ld (%ld%%) Character page Character code Send code as Receive code as Character code translation Character table Load translation tables 'Could not load translation tables "%s"! Save translation tables 'Could not save translation tables "%s"! Select upload type: Text upload Binary upload Ignore Upload type Standard ANSI/VT-220 Atomic External Space Ready Holding Dialing Upload Download Breaking Hang Up Recording Rec.line VDate Time Action --------- -------- ---------------------------------------- Select file Command "%s" has terminated with code %ld, %ld. Carrier lost (cost %s). Carrier lost. term Request Project Search... Repeat search Go to main screen Clear buffer Close buffer Paste Clear Enter search text Search forward term buffer Did not find "%s". >The buffer still holds %ld lines, do you wish to discard them? Ignore Visual Audible Visual & audible System default Screen Bell & Screen ANSI/VT-220 Atomic External Standard PC style PC style (raw) Ignore As CR As CR+LF Ignore As LF As LF+CR Alert Emulation Emulation name Text font Select new text font Send CR Send LF Receive CR Receive LF Columns Lines Keymap file Bell sound file Select emulation library Select keymap file Select bell sound file Maximum Terminal settings 2`term' Copyright 1990-95 by Olaf `Olsen' Barthel All rights reserved 9If you like this program and use it frequently the author :wants you to send him a gift of any kind which you suppose /will do as a `payment' for `term' -- thank you! Standard mail: Brabeckstrasse 35 D-30559 Hannover Federal Republic of Germany Electronic mail: olsen@sourcery.han.de Continue Welcome to term. Unable to open user font. Unable to open text font. %s %s(%s) Screen name "%s" Screen ID already in use Failed to open screen "Failed to create font scaling info Failed to obtain visual info Failed to open window Failed to create clip region Failed to open status window Unable to create screen raster 'Failed to create scrolling support info Failed to create menus Failed to layout menus -Failed to get clipboard notification signal. )Failed to get serial notification signal. Unable to create status task FFailed to open terminal emulation library "%s", resetting to defaults. !Failed to open intuition.library Failed to open graphics.library Failed to open utility.library Failed to open gadtools.library Failed to open asl.library Failed to open iffparse.library "Failed to open commodities.library Failed to open layers.library Failed to open diskfont.library Failed to create offset tables +Failed to obtain screen drawing information Failed to create status display %Failed to find default public screen /Failed to allocate primary configuration buffer 1Failed to allocate secondary configuration buffer "Failed to allocate console request Failed to open console.device Failed to allocate InputEvent Failed to allocate macro keys Failed to allocate cursor keys !Failed to allocate requester data )Failed to create sequence attention info Failed to open audio.device Failed to create iorequest Failed to open timer.device !Failed to create clipboard server Failed to create global port Failed to allocate view buffer !Failed to create protocol buffer Failed to allocate semaphore !Failed to allocate macro key data Unable to create ARexx process Start of session (%s %s). This call will cost you %s. Incoming voice call (%s)! Incoming voice call. Incoming call (%s)! Iconify|Ignore|Quit `term' Iconify|Quit 7Failed to add application icon (is Workbench running?). Failed to open tool icon. Failed to open icon.library. !Failed to open workbench.library. The Amiga is still online, resetting the serial driver will most certainly cause the connection to be lost. Do you really wish to continue? -"%s" unit N %ld has been reset and released. Return to `term'|Quit `term' Retry|Ignore|Quit `term' Cannot close screen yet! End of session. Bye bye. Load settings Save settings %Error writing settings to file "%s"! Failed to open device "PRT:"! IThe screen raster is currently disabled, there is no data to be printed. "Do you really want to quit `term'? Set console window Enter AmigaDOS command Enter ARexx command Unable to create buffer task! Load buffer BThe display buffer still holds %ld lines, do you wish to continue? #Discard buffer|Append buffer|Cancel Save buffer Select capture file Error opening device "%s"! #Enter the name of the editor to use Edit & upload text file Transfer the file "%s" as... ASCII upload|Text upload|Cancel Transfer the files as... !Binary upload|Text upload|Cancel Waiting... Enter phone number 6`term' has a problem: Failed to reopen "%s", unit %ld! Ignore|Quit `term' Hung up the line. Save screen as picture Save screen as text Emulation settings Failed to open sound "%s"! -Failed to set up hotkeys (spelling mistake?). No comment Standard settings Day(s) Unnamed entry 9Sorry, wrong password, the file "%s" will not be loaded. Select... File list Screen list Select public screen name Project Search... Repeat search Clear buffer Close buffer Review buffer Status Protocol Buffer Terminal Params. Online Upload binary file(s) Upload text file(s) Upload ASCII file(s) Download binary file(s) Download text file(s) Download ASCII file(s) binary ASCII Download Initiate %s download. Initiate %s upload. Upload Failed to locate drawer "%s"! Send file "%s". Receive file "%s". Update file "%s". *Close file "%s" (incomplete file removed). IClose file "%s", %ld bytes, min. CPS %ld, average CPS %ld, max. CPS %ld. Close file "%s". Initiate binary download. Receive binary file(s) , FILE MAY NOT FIT Caution: File may not fit. %10ld bytes (%ld%% full)%s Transfer aborted. File skipped. File "%s" received. Incomplete file "%s" received. File "%s" sent. File "%s" removed. Input required Transfer settings Delete file "%s". Select transfer protocol hardware data overrun parity error RTS/CTS timeout error read buffer overflowed !no Data Set Ready signal present break signal detected unknown cause Serial I/O error N %ld (%s)! Carrier signal lost! Transfer performance Project Save screen as Picture... Text... Print Screen (as text)... Clipboard... Capture to File... Printer Iconify About `term'... Quit... Paste Clear Cmds. Execute AmigaDOS command... Execute ARexx command... Record script Record line Edit traps... Disable traps Phone Phonebook... Redial... Dial phone number... Send break Hang up Wait... Flush receive buffer Release serial device... Transf. Upload ASCII file(s)... Download ASCII file(s)... Upload text file(s)... Download text file(s)... Edit & upload text file... Upload binary file(s)... Download binary file(s)... Buffer Clear buffer... Display buffer Close buffer Freeze buffer Load buffer... Save buffer as... Terminal Clear screen Reset font Reset styles Reset terminal Settings Serial... Modem... Screen... Terminal... Emulation... Clipboard... Capture... Commands... Miscellaneous... Paths... Transfer... Transfer protocol options... Translation tables... Function keys... Cursor keys... Fast! macros... Hotkeys... Speech... Sound... Console window... Load settings... Save settings Save settings as... Windows Status Review Packet Fast! macros Upload queue Session start Bytes received Bytes sent Connection message Phone number Comment User name Screen size ARexx port name Buffer size (bytes) Free memory (bytes) Status information Printing clipboard... Printing screen... Printing phonebook... Stop printing =`term' has a problem: Error %ld occured while printing (%s)! Output file or device Plain text Include serial settings Include modem settings Include screen settings Include terminal settings Include user name Include comment Select output file Output options Phonebook Comment...........: User name.........: Baud rate.........: Parameters........: Handshaking.......: Duplex............: Strip bit 8.......: Flow control......: Serial driver.....: Modem init command: Modem exit command: Hang up command...: Dial prefix.......: Dial suffix.......: Redial delay......: Dial retries......: Dial timeout......: Connect-auto-baud.: Drop DTR on hangup: Display mode......: Colour mode.......: Terminal emulation: Font..............: Text columns......: Text lines........: Keymap file.......: "%s", unit N %2ld:%02ld min. Disabled Enabled Maximum Select bell sound file Select `connect' sound file Select `disconnect' sound file *Select `file transfer finished' sound file )Select `file transfer failed' sound file Select `modem ring' sound file Select `modem voice' sound file Terminal bell sound `Connect' sound `Disconnect' sound `File transfer finished' sound `File transfer failed' sound Modem `ring' sound Modem `voice' sound Preload sound files Sound settings Load sound settings Could not load sound settings. Save sound settings Could not save sound settings. Select default transfer library Select ASCII upload library Select ASCII download library Select text upload library Select text download library Select binary upload library Select binary download library Default transfer library ASCII upload library Use built-in upload routine ASCII download library Use built-in download routine Quiet ASCII transfer Text upload library Text download library Binary upload library Binary download library !File transfer library preferences Direct Wait for echo Wait for any echo Wait for line prompt Character/line delay Keyboard delay Character delay Line delay Text pacing Quiet transfer Bytes xfered Lines xfered Information Sending ASCII data... Receiving ASCII data... Opening file "%s"... Error opening file "%s"! Error reading from file "%s"! Error writing to file "%s"! Could not load sound file "%s"! !There is no text in the clipboard %Failed to process clipboard contents Failed to open clipboard #Not enough memory to read clipboard Could not send ARexx message The ARexx server is not running Please enter text The modem is still online &The program settings have been changed )The review buffer has not been saved yet The phonebook has been changed )The translation tables have been changed .The function key assignments have been changed -The cursor key assignments have been changed -The fast! macro assignments have been changed )The hotkey assignments have been changed %The speech settings have been changed %The sound settings have been changed Unknown Cancel Default Continue `term' has a problem: File "%s" already exists! "Create new file|Append data|Cancel Select Yes|No 5File "%s" already exists! Do you want to replace it? Replace|Cancel %2ld:%02ld min. %2ld:%02ld h Comment #Could not allocate auxilary buffers Enter text Error opening file "%s"! Failed to create msgport Failed to open protocol "%s"! #Failed to save screen to file "%s"! Failed to set up protocol "%s"! Incoming call. Message Name list Packet window Select new display mode )There is nothing in the buffer right now. Transfer completed. Transfer failed or aborted. Abort Remove Printing... Workbench icon file ASCII text file `C' source code file `C' header file "Assembly language source code file Assembly language include file !Modula-2/Oberon source code file ARexx script file Basic source code AmigaGuide document file TeX document file Metafont font file Generic font file Packed TeX font file "TeX device independent output file PasTeX font library file Manx 3.x object code file Manx 5.x object code file Manx 3.x library file Manx 5.x library file AmigaDOS object code file !AmigaDOS object code library file AmigaDOS executable file System library file System device file #AmigaDOS filing system handler file AmigaDOS handler file GIF image file Degas image file MacPaint image file SuperPaint image file Macintosh PICT image file Sun raster image file Postscript file PCX image file TIFF image file Windows bitmap image file JFIF image file IFF-ILBM image file IFF-ANIM animation file IFF-8SVX sound file IFF-SMUS score file IFF-FTXT text file IFF-PREF preferences file "IFF-TERM `term' configuration file IFF file AmigaVision flow file Imploder data output file PowerPacker data output file LhPak self extracting archive LhASFX self extracting archive Arc archive file ARJ archive file Compress output file CPIO archive file UUEncoded file Freeze output file MacCompress archive file Compact archive file Diamond archive file LhArc archive file LhA archive file Zoo archive file PKZip archive file Stuff It! archive file Pack It! archive file DMS disk archive file Warp disk archive file Zoom disk archive file SPARC object code SPARC executable MS-DOS executable Atari-ST/TT executable Macintosh executable Portable bitmap file Portable graymap file Portable pixmap file Raw portable bitmap file Raw portable graymap file Raw portable pixmap file UUEncoded file btoa output file IFF file "%s" 5Compressed data archive file (`Shrink' archive file) XPK output file Serial_panel Modem_panel Screen_panel Terminal_panel Clipboard_panel Capture_panel Command_panel Miscellaneous_panel Path_panel Translation_panel Function_key_panel Cursor_key_panel Fast_macro_panel Hotkey_panel Speech_panel Emulation_panel Transfer_progress_panel Phonebook Rate_panel Rate_panel Rate_panel Rate_panel Rate_panel Copy_panel Phonebook Dial_panel Printing_panel Text_buffer Packet_window Sound_panel Transfer_panel ASCII_transfer_panel Program not found Execution halted No memory available Invalid character in program Unmatched quote Unterminated comment Clause too long Unrecognized token Symbol or string too long Invalid message packet Command string error Error return from function Host environment not found Required library not found Function not found No return value Wrong number of arguments Invalid argument to function Invalid PROCEDURE Unexpected THEN/ELSE Unexpected WHEN/OTHERWISE Unexpected LEAVE or ITERATE Invalid statement in SELECT Missing THEN clauses Missing OTHERWISE Missing or unexpected END Symbol mismatch on END Invalid DO syntax Incomplete DO/IF/SELECT Label not found Symbol expected String or symbol expected Invalid sub-keyword Required keyword missing Extraneous characters Sub-keyword conflict Invalid template Invalid TRACE request Uninitialized variable Invalid variable name Invalid expression Unbalanced parentheses Nesting level exceeded Invalid expression result Expression required Boolean value not 0 or 1 Arithmetic conversion error Invalid operand No data to process Index out of range Unknown object Result variable required Unit not available Device driver is still open Clipboard error Information is read-only Data types are incompatible List is empty Unknown list Wrong list Unknown command ASCII transfer Options Logging Text buffer options Data capturing Text buffer display Text buffer window Text buffer screen Options Text pacing Delays Prompt Startup, Login, Logoff Upload / Download Items Cursor keys Options Internals Fast macros Hotkeys Parameters Import ASCII transfer Text transfer Binary transfer Function keys Options Settings Modem commands Modem result codes Dialing Connection Session limit Password & User name ASCII file transfer Text file transfer Binary file transfer Miscellaneous Phone book Items Output Phone rates Display mode Select screen display mode Screen options Display options Colour options Palette options Parameters Options Device Sound files Options Dialing Terminal emulation Options Text font Code translation `term' 4.0 Author's request Standard mail Electronic mail Continue Information File list Public screens Update Options File transfer Character code %s Character code %ld ("%s") Character table Cannot set up user interface I/O buffer size Lock keypad mode #Please close the AmigaGuide window! Emulation settings Stop transfer batch Batch transfer stopped. Hung up the line (cost %s). Frozen Recording Drawing pens Background Important text Bright edges Dark edges Active window title bars Active window titles Menu background Menu text Use standard pens Edit pens... Screen drawing pens Pen_panel Unlimited Mangle filenames for upload Use emulation process DNet support Use DNet DNet port ID Establishing DNet link... ACould not establishing DNet link, returning to normal operation. Closing DNet link. `term' Message Dialer abort hangs up Login command Prefs... Text buffer services Search history size Ignore case Volume Untag Tag all Toggle all Untag all "Failed to open gtlayout.library v9 Use OwnDevUnit Overstrike Shift Window border Separate status window Internal ASCII transfer Send options Receive options General options Ignore data past terminator Terminator character Strip high order bit Files to upload Remove Clear File upload queue Select file term Upload queue Binary upload Text upload Maximum prescroll lines Maximum scroll jump %Start script recording on connection /* Recording for "%s". */ Save recording Not enough memory Read error Write error Seek error Mangled IFF file Not an IFF file Could not save file "%s", Could not load file "%s", Out of memory %File creation version does not match -Use as login script for phonebook entry "%s"? Trap controls Trap list Sequence Command Load trap settings Save trap settings Trap settings Upload from queue %By permission of the author this copy of `term' was distributed by Add files... Add files Lock cursor key mode Lock font mode PC font ->v4.0 Area code groups Groups Pattern Area code groups !Load area code and rate settings !Save area code and rate settings Area codes... Upload_queue_panel Trap_panel Area_code_panel Only whole words Hide upload icon %Do you want the changes to be saved? Screen (as graphics)... Screen is being printed Could not open printer )Printer does not support graphics output #Printer rejects printing dimensions Menus Buffer Packet_window Project Cmds. Phone Transf. Buffer Terminal Settings Windows Close Convert characters Lock line wrapping Lock text style Lock text colour Attributes Underlined Highlight Blinking Inverse Text pens and attributes Textpen_panel OwnDevUnit support Satisfy requests Release device !Release device, attempt to reown Keep device open Error sound Select sound file )Notify user after errors have occured Notify user only when an error occurs when transfer begins/ends when transfer begins when transfer ends Chat line Verbose dialing General options _Page Default transfer protocol ASCII transfer protocol Text transfer protocol Binary transfer protocol XPR library External program Default Internal Receive Edit settings... External program Command 1 File Files Device Source Dest. Screen Select program #Could not execute program "%s", Protective mode Baudrate Connect rate Signature Select signature Select transfer type: Text download Binary download Transfer type Send signature Receive signature %The file "%s" could not be found 9The drawer "%s" does not exist. Do you want to create it? 'The program "%s" cannot be started !"%s" is not a drawer but a file! !"%s" is not a file but a drawer! The drawer "%s" does not exist. SThe transmission speed (%ld Baud) you have selected suggests that you should enable RTS/CTS handshaking. If you fail to do so, you will most likely experience transmission errors. For more information on RTS/CTS handshaking see the program documentation. Do you want the RTS/CTS handshaking protocol to be enabled right now (recommended)? yThe XPR library you have selected ("%s") may put the files it receives not into the drawer "%s" you selected in the paths settings since the "Override transfer path" switch is not enabled in the transfer settings. For more information on the "Override transfer path" switch see the program documentation Do you want to enable the "Override transfer path" switch (recommended)? ASCII-transfer_settings Parameter_panel Signature_panel Your serial settings suggests that you should turn off the "Connect auto-baud" option as it may not be compatible with your modem setup. If you fail to do so you may have trouble typing and reading text after the modem has made a connection. For more information on the "Connect auto-baud" option see the program documentation. Do you want the "Connect auto-baud" option to be turned off right now (recommended)? Pulse Dial mode Dear `term' user, if you are using this program for the first time or have just upgraded from an older release you should now take a look into the documentation that should have accompanied the program. There may be new features, pitfalls and general improvements you may still be unaware of. If no documentation came with the program, just tell me (my addresses are found in the `About' window that should appear next) and I'll see what can be done about it. However, if you prefer to refer to the documentation while you make your first steps in configuring and using the program, you can invoke the online documentation at any time by pressing the `Help' key on your keyboard. If possible, `term' will display a help text page for the menu or window that is currently active. Help is available at any time, just press the `Help' key on your keyboard. (This friendly reminder window will appear every time you start `term' until you save the settings) Attention, please! #Convert into when pasting